Monday, July 19, 2010

Customer Service

I work at the library and most of what I do I can link directly to customer service.  Whether it is working at the service desk, working checking in books, or even just ordering office supplies...ultimately it all leads back to customer service.  I love working on the service desk.  We get to interact with great people who might ask us questions that stretch our knowledge. We exchange a few words with book lovers, help people with account issues, and reward kids for summer reading. I love it all, even the occasional challenge of an angry or confused person.
When I have to deal with issues in my own life I always start out assuming that the customer service people I am dealing with think like I do....that is, lets see if I can give them what they want, if not then can we reach another satisfactory solution.
Every now and then I am a bit disappointed, but not that often.  Every once in a while I run across service that reminds me how much demeanor matters. Sometimes this is in a positive way, sometimes not..
Today I had such a nice positive experience that it actually made me want to run to the service desk and "pass on" the good will. This is saying quite a bit as it is my day off.
... I won't go into complete detail here as it relates to my ordering my undies on line. I will say that I have ordered from Maidenform for the last 4 years as much because of their great service, as for their great products. Over the weekend they had a fabulous sale (ending Sunday) and I could not order on line as I had some computer glitches when I tried to do so. I called their customer service number which stated they were closed till Monday, but they did have a message recorder. I left a message but, assumed that I would be calling them back today or ordering at full price, or both.  At 9AM the phone rang. The same customer service representative that had helped me over 3 years ago was on the line and we worked it out. She could not do it the way I had originally hoped, but we were able to work it out. I was given free shipping and a sale price. More important than the price was the courtesy that I received from Ebony (the customer service rep). She went out of her way to be courteous and willing to find a mutually agreeable solution. Her demeanor was just what I want to portray on my job. She was friendly and willing to try her best to find a way to solve my problem. The way she expressed her willingness to help, the way she projected that she wanted to help find a resolution was perfect.  If we could bottle it we could make a million!
What I think I sensed in Ebony was an extension of Christian service. She wants to help people.  I bet she goes through her days doing service in small and large ways for all those around her.  It was the genuine sincerity of her demeanor that made our exchange so impressive.
Okay, so it was just undies.
I have a couple of other people in my life that impress me that way. I want to be like them. I want to go through my day thinking of just being a service to others, not for me, for them.  I fall so short on this. So often when I am in the "right frame of mind" I fall out of it by letting my brain slip into self satisfaction. The problem is that as soon as I think that service was well received, I think "good, I did well on that one"....and it is all over. It becomes about me again. It is better when I never know the outcome. Then I can just do it and let it go.
Someone once told me that complete humility is impossible because if you "think I have reached it" then you have already lost it. I think perhaps selfless service is the same.
So... I will continue to try to do what I know is right, and continue to try to do what I think is right, and I will continue to fall short most of the time.  I will try to forgive my shortfalls when I fail on either or both. I will pray for His will to be done. I will continue to try to always appreciate role models and those who do His work.
I think the best I can do is to be open to just loving everyone I come in contact with, to give what I can when I can. So, my prayers will be ...Show me when I fail and show me how to be of service. ...And thank you today for the contact with Ebony.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure that Ebony understood how much you appreciated her service to you. You are so good at giving positive encouragement, I'll bet you told her what a great job she was doing.
